
Undergraduate Catalog

University General Education Curriculum

Philosophy and Goals of General Education

General Education is the component of the undergraduate curriculum devoted to those areas of knowledge, methods of inquiry, and ideas that the University and scholarly community believe are common to well-educated persons. General Education provides a foundation for future learning.

Generally well-educated students will demonstrate:

  1. broad knowledge and understanding of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities;
  2. an ability to analyze, think critically, and form reasoned conclusions;
  3. competence in communicating their views and ideas clearly and cogently;
  4. an understanding of the methods by which people pursue knowledge;
  5. an understanding of the differences and relative power among peoples, both in the United States and across the globe; and
  6. knowledge of the principle of wellness for living a healthy and fit life, both physically and mentally.
I. Communication Skills

Communication is the art of expressing and exchanging meaning among people. At the University, meaning or knowledge is developed as teachers and students share insights, exchange ideas, and debate positions. Reading, speaking, research, and writing all play important roles in this construction and extension of knowledge.

College Writing

The writing course sequence enables students to use language actively in diverse ways and settings to gain and share knowledge about their experiences and concepts. They also reflect on that language use by examining their processes of writing and reading in order to understand both the texts they create and the texts they encounter.

Courses in the writing sequence will teach students to:

  1. make writing choices within the rhetorical contexts of academic writing, with attention to the particular audiences, subjects, and purposes of writing;
  2. understand and incorporate into their own writing each stage of the writing process: exploration, invention, drafting, revising, editing;
  3. improve their ability to analyze on multiple levels the texts that they read, and to recognize and synthesize connections among texts;
  4. discover a variety of argumentative strategies in academic writing and incorporate those strategies in the development of several essays;
  5. explore in depth at least one significant subject of academic interest by extensive reading, peer discussion, and the use and citation of research materials; and
  6. demonstrate control over the conventions of edited American English.

Public Speaking

The oral communication course develops students’ awareness of the communication process; focuses on the skills of invention, organization, and expression; promotes understanding of, and adaptation to, a variety of communication contexts; and emphasizes critical skills in listening, reading, thinking, and speaking.

The communication course will teach students to:

  1. create effective speeches through careful selection of topics and analysis of audience needs, situational factors, and speaker purposes;
  2. gather, evaluate, organize, and outline supportive materials into persuasive and informative messages that reflect an understanding of the appropriate use of evidence, reasoning, and language;
  3. deliver effective speeches that demonstrate proficiency in articulation, nonverbal behaviors, and visual aids that reinforce the message and promote clarity and interest; and
  4. become more discriminating consumers of messages through critical listening.
II. Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Studying the Natural Sciences and Mathematics enables students to understand the physical and natural world and the scientific and mathematical concepts, theories, and principles that explain the world. That is, students broaden and deepen their understanding of the diversity and interrelatedness of human knowledge in the sciences and mathematics and are better able to explain the similarities and differences that exist among the sciences. By studying the methods of inquiry practiced by scientists in the search for answers to yesterday’s and today’s issues and problems, they experience both the power and limitations of this knowledge while growing in their appreciation of the scientific perspective and its impact on their lives and society.

General Education courses in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics will allow students to:

  1. demonstrate understanding of basic terms, concepts, principles, processes, and systems in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics;
  2. draw conclusions and/or identify relationships by synthesizing from relevant information;
  3. demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate investigative methodologies in laboratory courses; and
  4. demonstrate the ability to use and understand scientific and mathematical terminology in writing assignments and/or classroom discussion.
III. Social Sciences

In their Social Science coursework, students explore aspects of their own cultures and beliefs and the cultures and beliefs of others within a context of empirical research findings and theoretical speculation.

They examine anthropological, economic, geographical, political, psychological, and/or sociological aspects of individuals and groups in various cultures and the social problems that these individuals and groups attempt to overcome.

They apply a variety of methodologies (e.g., laboratory experiments, case studies, naturalistic observations) to studies of individual and group behavior.

General Education courses in the Social Sciences will allow students to:

  1. gain insight into the diversity of human motivations and institutional forces that influence social behavior;
  2. recognize multiple methods and modes of inquiry used in the Social Sciences and their appropriate application;
  3. develop analytical and critical thinking skills as applied to the study of the Social Sciences; and
  4. communicate ideas and explain concepts and analyses using the language of the Social Sciences.
IV. Humanities and Fine Arts

In studying the Humanities and Fine Arts, students learn to explore issues fundamental to human identity, as these are expressed in the artistic, cultural, and intellectual traditions of the world’s civilizations. Courses in the Humanities and Fine Arts reveal ways to give meaning to human experience through the study of fine arts, philosophical thought, literature and film, interpretations of history, rituals and belief systems of religion, communication, and foreign languages. After studying the Humanities and Fine Arts, students will have the tools and knowledge to respond more knowledgeably and actively to those humanistic and artistic works and traditions created by people of various societies and times.

General Education courses in the Humanities and Fine Arts will allow students to:

  1. learn to perceive accurately, describe carefully, and analyze systematically various humanistic expressions and works such as literary, philosophical, and historical texts; artistic forms and musical works; and ritual, drama, and other forms of symbolic action and speech;
  2. learn the significant concepts and issues that continue to structure and guide study in the Humanities disciplines;
  3. learn to identify, analyze, and interpret the historical, social, or cultural contexts for these humanistic works and expressions;
  4. examine and come to understand human values as they are represented, reasoned about, and justified through various humanistic works and traditions; and
  5. develop reading, critical reasoning, and communication skills important for understanding and effectively communicating ideas and perspectives regarding humanistic works and traditions.

University General Education Requirements

Candidates for a baccalaureate degree at Â鶹´«Ã½ÄÚÄ» are required to complete the General Education Curriculum approved by the University faculty. General Education courses should ordinarily be taken during the freshman and sophomore years, and the entire 37 semester hours should be completed no later than the last semester of the junior year. Individual colleges and departments may require additional courses, and students should refer to the section of the catalog for the college in which they are enrolled for requirements beyond the University General Education Curriculum.

The following restrictions apply:

  1. No courses numbered 275, 298, 450, 475, and 498 are acceptable for credit in the General Education Curriculum;
  2. Students may not use any one course to satisfy two General Education distribution requirements;
  3. Students may not count more than two courses from the discipline in which they major toward satisfaction of the General Education requirements;
  4. No courses under the Pass/Fail option may apply to the General Education requirements.

General Education Categories:

I. Communication Skills: 9 s.h.
  1. ENG 180—College Writing I (3)
  2. ENG 280—College Writing II (3)
  3. COMM 241—Introduction to Public Speaking (3)

College Writing

All students enrolled in the University must demonstrate their ability to write and speak clearly, accurately, and effectively. Entering students normally self-assess their writing skills upon initial registration and select a first-semester writing course (either ENG 100 or ENG 180) with guidance from their advisor. Further, all General Education courses contribute to students’ writing competency by including written assignments in the course requirements.

ENG 100 is a credit bearing course, and will support the writing development of new students who feel less experienced or confident in their writing skills. Students who pass ENG 100 with a grade of C or better will find themselves better prepared to write successfully in ENG 180 and other, more advanced writing intensive classes. Students who are unsuccessful in ENG 100 are encouraged to retake the course.

ENG 180 has no prerequisites. Students must take ENG 180 either semester of their freshman year. Students who fail to receive a grade of C or better must repeat the course before enrolling in ENG 280, the second course in the first-year writing sequence. ENG 180 fulfills the first half of the General Education/Communication Skills requirement.

ENG 280 is to be taken before 60 semester hours are earned. ENG 180 is a prerequisite. Students who fail to receive a grade of C or better in 280 must repeat the course. ENG 280 fulfills the second half of the General Education/Communication Skills requirement.

Students may also receive credit for all or part of the General Education/Communication Skills writing requirement by: (1) entering with Advanced Placement credit for the English Language and Composition Exam with a score of 4 or 5, (2) passing the appropriate proficiency examination, (3) completing the stated requirements of GH 101, or (4) completing a comparable course or courses at or sponsored by another university with a grade of C or better.

Public Speaking

Students may also receive credit for the oral communication requirement by (1) completing the accelerated section 50 of COMM 241 with a grade of B or above, (2) completing the Honors section 25 of COMM 241, or (3) satisfactorily completing a comparable course at another college/university.

II. Natural Sciences and Mathematics*: 10 s.h.

Students must complete 10 s.h. from the courses listed below. At least one laboratory course must be included. Students may take no more than two courses from any one grouping below.


BIOL 100—Biological Concepts (4)


BOT 200—Introduction to Plant Biology (4)


CHEM 101—Principles of Chemistry I (4)
CHEM 150—Contemporary Chemistry (4)


GEOG 121—Planet Earth: Surface Processes and Interactions (4)


GEOL 110—Our Changing Earth (4)
GEOL 112—History of the Earth (4)


MATH 101—Concepts of Mathematics (3)
MATH 102—Creative Perspectives in Mathematics (3)
MATH 123—Modeling with Mathematical Functions (3)
MATH 133—Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (4)
MATH 134—Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (4)
MATH 137—Applied Calculus I (3) (MATH 137/138 as a sequence)
MATH 138—Applied Calculus II (3) (MATH 137/138 as a sequence)


METR 120—Introduction to Weather and Climate (4)


PHYS 100—Physics for Society (4)
PHYS 101—Introduction to Astronomy (3)


STAT 171—General Elementary Statistics (3)


ZOOL 200—Introduction to Animal Biology (4)

III. Social Sciences*: 9 s.h.

Students must take at least three courses in the Social Sciences. Students may take no more than two courses from any one grouping below.


ANTH 110—Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)
ANTH 111—Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (3)


ECON 100—Introduction to Economics (3)
ECON 231—Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ECON 232—Principles of Microeconomics (3)


GEOG 100—Introduction to Human Geography (3)
GEOG 110—World Regional Geography (3)

Political Science

POLS 101—Introduction to Political Science (3)
POLS 122—American Government and Politics (3)
POLS 228—Fundamentals of International Relations (3)
POLS 267—Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics (3)


PSY 100—Introductory Psychology (3)
PSY 221—Psychology of Child Development (3)
PSY 250—Human Social Behavior (3)


SOC 100—Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOC 200—Contemporary Social Problems (3)

IV. Humanities and Fine Arts*: 9 s.h.

Students must take at least three courses in the Humanities and Fine Arts. One course must come from Area 1: Humanities, and one course must come from Area 2: Fine Arts. Students are then free to choose either a Humanities or Fine Arts course to fulfill the required nine hours in Humanities/Fine Arts. Students may take no more than two courses from any one grouping below.



ENG 195—Introduction to Literature (3)
ENG 200—Introduction to Poetry (3)
ENG 201—Introduction to Fiction (3)
ENG 202—Introduction to Drama (3)
ENG 205—Introduction to Shakespeare (3)


FR 224—Intermediate French II (3)


GER 224—Intermediate German II (3)


HIST 105—American History to 1877 (3)
HIST 106—American History since 1877 (3)
HIST 115—World History to 1500 (3)
HIST 116—World History since 1500 (3)


PHIL 100—Introduction to Philosophy (3)
PHIL 120—Contemporary Moral Problems (3)
PHIL 140—Logic and Reasoning (3)

Religious Studies

REL 101—Religion and Popular Culture (3)
REL 107—The Bible (3)


SPAN 224—Intermediate Spanish II (3)


Art History

ARTH 180—An Introduction to Art (3)
ARTH 282—History of World Art: to 1400 (3)
ARTH 283—History of World Art: 1400–1900 (3)


MUS 190—What to Listen for in Music (3)
MUS 195—American Popular Music (3)


THEA 110—Introduction to the Theatre (3)

* Some General Honors (G H) courses will be accepted to fulfill this University General Education category. View more information about honors curricula or visit the Centennial Honors College website at wiu.edu/honors.