
Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Bylaws Articles I-V

Bylaws Last Amended: 5/3/22

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Article I- Election to Membership
Article II- Conducting of Nominations
Article III- Election of Members and Officers of the Faculty Senate

Article IV- Agenda

Article V- Amendments

Article I - Election to Membership

Article II - Conducting of Nominations

Article III - Election of Members and Officers of the Faculty Senate

Article IV - Agenda

Article V- Amendments

Article VI - Committees and Councils

Article VII - Rules Governing Committees and Councils of the Senate

Article I - Election to Membership

Section 1.

The college to which the faculty member is assigned for voting and representation purposes is the one specified in the faculty member's employment contract. If for any reason the assignment is uncertain, the Executive Committee shall ascertain from the faculty member the department or college to which the faculty member wishes to be assigned for voting purposes.

For the purposes of voting and representation, librarians are considered members of the College of Arts and Sciences; coaches and members of the Counseling Center who are eligible to vote according to Article II of the Constitution are considered members of the College of Education and Human Services. Faculty members in the Illinois Institute of Rural Affairs who are eligible to vote according to Article II of the Constitution are considered to be members of the College of Business and Technology.

Section 2.

The regular term of office of a Senator shall be three years. Each Senate year shall begin the first day of the fall semester and end on the last day before the start of the next fall semester. Terms of service for Senators and officers are calculated by the relevant Senate year. No Senator may serve consecutively more than one regular term of three years. One year must elapse before a Senator is eligible for re-election.

Section 3.

A faculty member filling a one- or two-year term may be renominated and re-elected. For the purpose of balancing the number of Senators to be elected in any one year, the Senate may revise the term of office prior to the election.

Section 4.

Membership by election to fill a vacancy shall extend to the last day before the start of the next semester (Fall or Spring) following the semester during which the vacating Senator is absent.

Section 5.

Election to fill a vacancy shall not disqualify a member for election at the next regular election period

Article II - Conducting of Nominations

Section 1.

The Executive Committee shall notify the faculty of the vacancies that occur in the membership of the Faculty Senate. This shall be done at least thirty calendar days prior to the date of the election.

Section 2.

Nominations for members to fill vacancies shall be made by petition. No faculty member shall run for more than one Senate vacancy during each election cycle. At least fifteen members or twenty percent of the eligible college faculty, whichever is fewer, must sign the petition of a college representative and at least fifteen eligible University faculty members must sign the petition for a University representative. An eligible faculty member may sign more than one petition for that faculty member's college representatives and at-large representatives.

Section 3.

At least fifteen calendar days before election, the sponsors of college and at-large representatives will present to the Executive Committee the petitions for nominations.

Section 4.

The faculty member sponsoring a petition for nomination of a member must secure the written consent of the nominee.

Section 5.

The Executive Committee shall validate the petition to determine the eligibility of the nominee and the qualifications of the petitioners.

Section 6.

A nominee may withdraw by notifying the Executive Committee in writing no later than three days after the deadline for filing petitions.

Article III - Election of Members and Officers of the Faculty Senate

Section 1. Election of Members
  1. The Executive Committee shall begin election proceedings no later than ten calendar days after the official start of the spring semester.
  2. In the election, a simple plurality of the faculty voting will be required.
  3. In case of a tie vote, a run-off election shall be held within ten calendar days of the announcement of the tie vote.
  4. The faculty shall be informed of the results and the tabulation of the vote.
  5. In case of dual college appointments, the Executive Committee shall ascertain from the faculty member the college in which that faculty member wishes to be considered.
  6. In case a duly elected candidate is unable to assume office, the Executive Committee shall hold an election within thirty calendar days.
Section 2. Election of Officers
  1. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot of the newly elected members and continuing members of the Senate.
  2. The next year's Senate, comprised of the newly elected members plus the continuing members from the existing Senate, shall be convened during the spring semester only for the purpose of electing officers at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the existing Senate in April. Senators who have temporarily vacated their seats during the spring semester may either be present to vote for Senate officers or provide their official replacement with a written proxy for this election only.
  3. A majority of the votes cast shall be required for the election of an officer.
  4. Officers shall take office at the first regularly scheduled Senate meeting of the next academic year.
  5. The chairperson of the Senate and its Councils and Committees shall appoint a Parliamentarian, who shall serve as an informal advisor to the chairperson on matters of parliamentary procedure.

Article IV - Agenda

Section 1.

The agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and submitted to the faculty at least five days prior to the meeting. Faculty members may submit, in writing, requests for Senate consideration of any appropriate subject. Such requests will be evaluated by the Executive Committee, and:

  1. Placed on the Senate agenda or;
  2. Referred to an appropriate committee or;
  3. Referred to the administration.

The person submitting an item for consideration shall be notified of the disposition of the item within ten days after the meeting of the Executive Committee at which time the item was considered.

The Executive Committee shall append to each publication of Senate minutes a statement of all items that have been submitted to it for placement on the agenda and shall indicate the disposition of each item.

Section 2.

The order of the agenda may be changed while the Senate is in session by a majority vote of those Senators present and voting.

Section 3.

An item may be added to the agenda while the Senate is in session by a two-thirds vote of those Senators present and voting.

Section 4.

Motions and/or resolutions relevant to an agenda item may be proposed from the floor by any Senator.

Article V - Amendments

Amendments to the bylaws may be presented in writing by any member of the Senate or not less than ten eligible faculty members. The Senate shall act on the proposed amendment at the next regular meeting following the one at which the amendment was presented. Amendments to the bylaws shall be effective upon approval by at least two-thirds of the total membership of the Senate.

Past Amended Dates:

  • 12/09/69
  • 1/13/70
  • 2/10/70
  • 2/24/70
  • 2/26/70
  • 3/28/70
  • 9/22/70
  • 9/21/71
  • 4/11/72
  • 5/16/72
  • 12/17/73
  • 11/05/74
  • 10/21/75
  • 3/09/76
  • 10/26/76
  • 3/20/79
  • 4/29/80
  • 2/14/84
  • 1/26/90
  • 5/09/90
  • 4/25/91
  • 10/27/92
  • 11/08/94
  • 3/28/95
  • 5/02/95
  • 2/10/98
  • 2/09/99
  • 4/29/99
  • 11/16/99
  • 9/04/01
  • 10/15/02
  • 4/06/04
  • 4/25/06
  • 4/10/07
  • 9/18/07
  • 3/18/08
  • 9/30/08
  • 3/31/09
  • 9/29/09
  • 10/27/09
  • 4/27/10
  • 3/8/11
  • 3/11/11
  • 4/5/11
  • 4/12/11
  • 3/26/13
  • 10/8/13
  • 9/30/14
  • 9/13/16
  • 3/28/17
  • 2/6/18
  • 3/26/19
  • 4/23/19
  • 9/24/19
  • 5/3/22