
Graduate Studies

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Some academic departments, colleges, and other areas do not provide a major at the graduate level. However, these areas do offer courses for graduate credit. Permission to use these courses in a degree program must be obtained from the appropriate Departmental Graduate Committee.

Chairperson:  Luciano C. Picanco
Office:  Morgan Hall 332
Telephone: (309) 298-1558
E-mail: languages@wiu.edu
Website: wiu.edu/languages

Associate Graduate Faculty


  • Luciano C. Picanco, Ph.D., Michigan State University

Associate Professors

  • Edmund Asare, Ph.D., Kent State University
  • Daniel Brown, Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles
  • Munia Cabal-Jimenez, Ph.D., University of Illinois
  • Guadalupe M. Cabedo-Timmons, Ph.D., University of Illinois

Course Descriptions

Education (EDUC)

439G Foreign Language Methods. (3) An exploration of current foreign language teaching methodologies and techniques through assigned readings, discussion, and practical application such as microteaching. Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.

French (FR)

438G 20th Century French Literature. (3) Works of Gide, Proust, Sartre, Camus, St. Exupéry, Anouilh, Colette, Sarraute, Duras, De Beauvoir, and others. Prerequisites: FR 327 or equivalent.

Spanish (SPAN)

401G Introduction to Spanish Linguistics. (3) Introduction to the main concepts and methods of linguistic analysis, focusing on the Spanish sound system, social dynamics and dialectal variation. Prerequisite: SPAN 326 or equivalent.

402G Introduction to Spanish Morphology and Syntax. (3) Introduction to the systematic study of the morphological and syntactical elements of Spanish with practice in application. Prerequisites: SPAN 326 or equivalent.

408G Spanish Civilization and Culture. (3) A survey of peninsular civilization and prehistoric past to the post‑Franco present, emphasizing cultural achievements of universal significance. Conducted in Spanish. Recommended for teachers.

409G Spanish American Civilization. (3) The study of fundamental historical and cultural facts concerning Spanish America; the role of contrasting value systems of Spanish America and the United States in intercultural communication. Conducted in Spanish.

449G Spanish for Content-Based Instruction. (3) The study of Spanish vocabulary and phrases for the teaching of different subjects of the school curriculum including mathematics, science, social studies, and grammar.

452G Spanish Literature of the 19th Century. (3) Study of major works with emphasis on romanticism and realism. Prerequisite: SPAN 327 or equivalent.

453G The Generation of 1898. (3) Representative works of the major figures of early twentieth-century Spanish literature. Prerequisite: SPAN 327 or equivalent.

454G Spanish Literature of the 20th Century. (3) Study of major works of prose, poetry, and drama from the Generation of 1898 to the present, with emphasis on the novel. Prerequisite: SPAN 327 or equivalent.

456G Masterpieces of Spanish American Literature. (3) Selected works of prose, poetry, and drama from the colonial period to the present. Prerequisite: SPAN 327 or equivalent.

457G Contemporary Spanish American Prose. (3) Selected prose works of major contemporary Spanish American writers. Prerequisite: SPAN 327 or equivalent.

492G Individual Studies in Spanish. (1–5, repeatable to 5) Prerequisites: Advanced standing and permission of the Department Chairperson.