
University Policies

Course Syllabus Policy

Approval Date: 9/25/2003
Revised Date: 9/19/2011, 4/14/2015, 1/26/2016, 4/12/2016, 2/7/2023
Approved By: President

Education works best when a clear understanding is established between instructor and student.

Since students need to know what is required of them in order to complete a course satisfactorily, instructors will provide each student with a course syllabus. Items that must appear in the syllabus include the following:

  1. Title of the course, course number, section number, meeting days and times, nature, purpose and objectives of the course. FYE, WID, and Global Issues courses will be so identified.
  2. Prerequisites, and corequisites (Note: It is the responsibility of the student to comply with the prerequisites/corequisites for a course that he/she plans to take. Instructors who place the appropriate information on the syllabus and emphasize it during the first three class periods may exclude a student from the class who does not meet the prerequisites/corequisites by sending a note to the student with a copy to the registrar within the first two weeks of the term.)
  3. Contact information such as instructor's name, office number, office hours, office phone number, fax number, e-mail address, personal web address (personal home page).
  4. Books and/or materials required.
  5. A statement indicating how the student's final grade will be determined, including any minimum requirements, and grading schemas. With the plus-minus grading in undergraduate courses, it is imperative that students clearly understand how their final grades will be determined.
  6. Outside work required (readings, web searches, field experiences, trips, etc.), if any.
  7. Additional fees or costs to be incurred by the student, if any.
  8. Attendance requirements and penalties, if any.
  9. This statement is required for all WID courses:
    This course has been designated to meet the Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) graduation requirement. WID courses provide instruction in the processes and formats for the writing content and style needed to be an effective professional in a student’s chosen field.
  10. This statement is required for all Bachelors of General Studies (BGS) online writing courses:
    This course has been designated to meet the Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) graduation requirement for degree-seeking students in the BGS program. Online BGS writing courses provide instruction in the processes and formats for the writing content and style needed to be an effective professional in a student’s chosen field.
  11. This statement is required for all First Year Experience courses:
    This course has been designated a First Year Experience course and is intended to help you learn to think critically, understand multiple perspectives on issues, and improve your skills in research and problem solving. It will also provide an environment in which to apply the academic skills you learn and help prepare you to transfer those skills to your other courses.
  12. This statement is required for all courses:
    Students with disabilities: In accordance with University values and disability law, students with disabilities may request academic accommodations where there are aspects of a course that result in barriers to inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement. To file an official request for disability-related accommodations, please contact Disability Resources in the Student Development and Success Center at 309-298-1884, disability@wiu.edu, or in 125 Memorial Hall. Please notify the instructor as soon as possible to ensure that this course is accessible to you in a timely manner.
  13. This statement is required for all courses:
    University values, Title IX, and other federal and state laws prohibit sex discrimination, including sexual assault/misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. If you, or someone you know, has been the victim of any of these offenses, we encourage you to report this to the Title IX Coordinator at 309-298-1977 or anonymously online at: /equal_opportunity_and_access/report.php. If you disclose an incident to a faculty member, the faculty member must notify the Title IX Coordinator. The complete Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct policy is available at: /policies/dhsm.php.
  14. This statement is required for all courses:
    Military/Veteran Support Statement
    As a military-friendly institution, and in accordance with federal regulations and Illinois statutes, Western Illinois University has established policies and procedures to accommodate military service students. In addition to the supports available at WIU’s Veterans Resource Center ( / 309-298-3505), veterans, members of the National Guard or Reserves, and active-duty military personnel with military obligations (e.g., deployments, trainings, drill) are encouraged to communicate these, in advance whenever possible, to the instructor. The Military Service Policy can be found at /policies/military.php
  15. Web address for student rights and responsibilities: /provost/students.php
  16. Web address for Academic Integrity Policy: /policies/acintegrity.php

Course syllabi should be distributed prior to the end of the full refund/credit period. It is the student's responsibility to obtain the syllabus after this time.

Failure to provide adequate written information about course requirements may provide sufficient grounds to appeal to the Council on Admission, Graduation and Academic Standards for a late withdrawal for undergraduate students, and to the Graduate Council for graduate students.