
Administrative Services

Chemical or Radiation Spill

  1. Report chemical or radioactive material spill immediately to OPS - 911 or (309) 298-1949.
  2. If directed to do so by OPS, activate the alarm.
  3. When reporting, be specific about the nature and location of spilled material. OPS will contact the necessary authorities.
  4. Persons not trained in spill techniques should immediately evacuate the area.
  5. If individuals cannot exit the building using the stairs, they should proceed to an Area of Safe Refuge to await further assistance.
  6. If a fire breaks out, do not use the elevators.
  7. Once outside, move to a clear area away from the affected buildings. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. If requested, assist OPS.
  8. Do not return to an evacuated building unless instructed to do so by OPS.
  9. Anyone who may be contaminated by the spill should avoid contact with others.