
Human Resources

Appendix H - Disciplinary Management Program for Civil Service Employees

In accordance with existing Civil Service Rules and generally expected standards of employee conduct, what follows are some types of behavior that may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge. This list is not intended to be all inclusive, but should function as a guide to both the employee and supervisor.

  • Unauthorized and unexcused absence
  • Leaving work without authority
  • Habitual lateness
  • Key duplication and/or unauthorized possession of keys
  • Misrepresentation of absence
  • Falsification of records
  • Refusal to do work assigned
  • Failure to follow work schedule
  • Failure to follow time schedules
  • Insolence
  • Failure to adhere to departmental regulations
  • Insubordination
  • Smoking in prohibited areas
  • Disregard of safety regulations
  • Careless workmanship resulting in spoilage, waste, or delay
  • Theft
  • Unauthorized use of institutional property
  • Gambling on institutional property
  • Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions
  • Horseplay or scuffling
  • Fighting
  • Sleeping during working hours
  • Drinking intoxicating liquors on institutional time or property
  • Inability to perform satisfactorily assigned duties as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages
  • Malicious damage to property, tools, or equipment
  • Immoral or indecent conduct
  • Conviction of an offense involving moral turpitude
  • Illegal use or possession of drugs and/or narcotics

The University subscribes to the principle of the use of discipline to correct employee conduct and/or behavior. Such discipline will normally be issued in a progressive manner dependent upon the facts and circumstances of individual circumstances of the instant case.

The appropriate forms of disciplinary action shall include:

  • Oral Reprimand - Involves a discussion between the supervisor and the employee regarding the infraction with an emphasis on correcting the employee's behavior. A confirmation of an oral reprimand should be kept by the department and may be placed in the employee's personnel file.
  • Written Reprimand - For more serious or repeated cases of rules infractions, the supervisor will counsel the employee as to the correct and expected behavior as well as record the circumstances of the violation in memorandum form, giving the original to the employee and sending a copy to Human Resources.
  • Suspension - The suspension of an employee shall normally be based on the recommendations of the supervisor and shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Human Resources (or designee) to insure consistency of action throughout the institution. The Director of Human Resources (or designee) will issue all suspensions.
  • Discharge - When less severe actions fail in correcting an employee's job related behavior, or when the offense requires immediate separation from employment, a discharge action should be taken. The supervisor shall normally recommend the action and it shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Human Resources, (or designee) who will process the discharge.

Guidelines on Employee Discipline

Employee Management relations are often strained when disciplinary action is taken, and at no time is more tact required to ensure the desired positive effects of disciplinary measures. The objectives of such measures should be understood. Any disciplinary action that is arbitrary and that cannot be justified is unacceptable in our institution.

Disciplinary Actions

  • Oral Warning - Involves a discussion between the supervisor and the employee regarding the infraction with an emphasis on correcting the behavior. A departmental record should be kept and may be placed in the employee's personnel file.
  • Written Reprimand - For more serious or repeated cases of misconduct, the supervisor will counsel the employee as to the correct and expected behavior as well as record the circumstances of the violation in memo or letter form. The memo or letter should inform the employee that it is a written reprimand, then be sent to the employee, kept in departmental files, and placed in his/her personnel file.
  • Suspension - The act of suspending an employee without pay shall be determined based on the recommendation of the supervisor or the departmental administration. All recommended suspensions will be reviewed by the Director of Human Resources (or designee) to ensure reasonable consistency of action throughout the institution. The Director of Human Resources (or designee) will meet with the employee and his/her supervisor (in addition to any other person that is deemed necessary) prior to the issuance of a suspension to discuss the circumstances and to permit the employee to present his/her rebuttal. The Director of Human Resources (or designee) will authorize and issue all suspensions.
  • Discharge - When less severe actions fail in correcting an employee's job related behavior, or when the offense demands immediate separation from employment, a discharge action should be taken. The Director of Human Resources (or designee) must approve all discharges in accordance with State Universities Civil Service System Rule 250.110.e. The Director of Human Resources (or designee) will notify the employee of the discharge proceeding as well as his/her rights of appeal.

Civil Service Handbook


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